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Leather, Suede, Fur Cleaning

  Leather Suede Fur Cleaning

Prestige Green Touch Cleaners is one of Los Angeles's premier dry cleaning companies. We are a full-service Certified Green dry cleaning company with many years of experience in the industry in the Los Angeles area. We offer the following services: Leather Suede Fur Cleaning to customers in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, and Brentwood.

  Leather Suede Fur Cleaning
Re-dying & Alterations

Today, most leather is made of cattle skin, but many exceptions exist. Lamb and deerskin are used for soft leather in more expensive apparel. Deer and elk skin are widely used in work gloves and indoor shoes. Pigskin is used in apparel and on seats of saddles. Buffalo, goats, alligators, snakes, ostriches, kangaroos, oxen, and yaks may also be used for leather.

Even with professional treatment, the leather can react unpredictably, and it is not the fault of the cleaning specialist. Some factors that can cause the leather to change after cleaning include the dyes used by the manufacturer and whether the skin was finished, unfinished, or antiqued. Stains: Makeup, Body oils, perspiration, grease, spills, and ink stains on leather can be reasonably cleaned.

Cleaning and Recoloring can save a badly stained leather garment. Ink on Leather:

Ballpoint pen ink cannot be removed from painted finishes without removing the surface paint as well.

The solution is: to remove the ink marks, then re-dye or recolor the affected area after ink removal—color Loss.

Leather, Suede, Fur Cleaning


As soon as you spill anything, especially food or any beverages, on your Leather Suede Fur coat, Or when you smell any odder, or before storing your fur. 

Any fur coat, jacket, or scarf made of natural fur must be cleaned professionally a minimum of once or twice a year. No matter if you use it or NOT. Dry cleaning your fur will keep the natural look and shine.  

Summertime is the best time to clean the fur because you don't use your items. D


Do not wash the real fur or use your washing machine. Not even hand wash any fur!!!

How to keep your fur coat in good condition!

During warm weather, the best place to store a fur coat is at a furrier storage unit, where the temperature is around 48 degrees and the humidity level is approximately 43%.

Some people leave their fur coat in the plastic bag inside of a closet for a long time... it is so rung,

Furs need plenty of fresh air and need to breathe.

Never store any fur in a plastic bag or any fabric that has a polyester material.  

Never leave any jewelry pinned to your fur coat as it can mat the fur.

Do you need Leather Suede Fur Cleaning?


How to Protect Your Expensive Investment:

Leather Suede Fur Cleaning

Keeping your leather garment (jacket, pants, and blouse) in excellent condition is crucial. Follow these guidelines to ensure your investment stays in top shape:
A- Use only cushioned hangers to avoid damaging your leather.
B- Store your garment in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight.
C- Do not keep them in a wet or humid environment, 
D- Remember that any skin needs fresh air. If you want to cover your garment, you can use any cotton or linen fabric.
E- To prevent your leather from cracking and looking old, you must condition it every 5 to 7 months. Use a special cream or lotion to hydrate the leather.
Remember, preventing cracks is the key to preserving your leather. Follow these guidelines to keep your investment looking its best.
Should you encounter any difficulty completing a task or run out of time, rest assured that we at Prestige Green Touch Cleaners are here to help.

 If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for Leather Suede Fur Cleaning
Please call us at 310-652-1200 
We provide excellent and reliable services to all clients


We Don't Use Cancer-Causing Solvents or Any Toxic Solvent at Prestige Green Touch CleanersWe only use the world's best halogen-free solvent SOLVONK4

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No More Plastic or Paper.

Ask us for our High-Quality ​Reusable Garment Bags for Only $10.00 Each

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Advanced Dry Cleaning Services

We have met the highest standards for social and environmental impacts

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